Updated: March 3, 2025 by admin
Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart: Sometimes you want a favor or help from someone, but you cannot ask him or her to do it for you. It would be best if you had something badly, but people do not allow you to have it. For example, you want an appraisal of your salary from your boss, but you cannot ask him directly to do it. You might be violating the rules, or your boss might not approve. You want to change your parents’ minds about something, but you cannot force them.
If your partner or in-laws do not respect your opinion, you want them to change their mind toward you. All you want is to change someone’s mind for your benefit in the abovementioned scenarios. In our world, unfortunately, we do not have any magic tricks like movies to change anyone’s opinion about something or through which we can control anyone’s mind. In the Quran-e-Pak Allah, dua is given the solution to every human problem.

If you want someone to benefit you or change anyone’s mind, read the below-mentioned dua to change someone’s mind:
“Innallaha yusmiu maiya shah”
- After this ইন্নাল্লাহা ইউসমিউ Dua recites verse 22 from Surah Fatir, which is mentioned below 111 times.
Wa maa yastawil ahyaaa’u wa lal amwaat; innal laaha yusmi’u mai yashaaa’u wa maaa anta bimusi’im man fil quboor
- After reciting the verse above, blow it on the person whose mind you want to change.
- If the person lives away from you, think about him or her while reciting dua to make someone change their mind, and after completing it, blow it on his or her picture.
The ayat we have shown you above is Surah Fatir, with so many surah fatir ayat 22 benefits.
Table of Contents
Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart
After marriage, every wife wants her husband to listen to her and value her opinion. Sometimes, making your husband agree to your requirements is easy, but sometimes it isn’t. After some years of marriage, the husband starts to value his wife’s opinion, but initially, it is very tough to make your husband believe you for things. So, in Islam, there is a dua for changing someone’s mind easily within a few days.
Initially, both partners should listen to each other’s problems calmly and try to solve problems together. If your husband does not listen to you and you want to change your husband’s opinion about you or something else,
In the Quran-e-Pak, a dua named Al-Fatihah will solve your problem. Surah Al-Fatihah, also called Umm-al-Quran, is a matchless surah of the Holy Quran, and Muslims recite this dua in every prayer. Surah Al-Fatihah verses you can recite to change your husband’s mind about anything
The procedure for reciting this Dua is as follows:
Here is the step-by-step procedure for innallaha yusmiu mayasha hu wazifa:
- Make ablution
- Recite Durood Shareef at the start three times
- Then, recite a verse of Surah Fatihah, “Iyyaka Na Badu Wa Iyyaka Nas Taeen,” 108 times, and recite the complete Surah 31 times for 14 days.
- Recite Durood Shareef three times at the end.
- After the noon prayer, you can perform this innallaha yusmiu mayasha wazifa, In sha Allah, after a few days of performing this dua, you will get results. Make sure you do not skip a day while performing this dua.
Dua to change someone’s decision
This article will discuss how Islamic methods work regarding dua to change someone’s heart. In our culture, parents do not usually consider their children’s opinions, even their lives.
If you want to choose your career or life partner, your parents will consider your opinion meaningless and pressure you to agree with their choices. As a child, it is easy to agree with your parent’s choices, but as an adult, you want to be responsible for your life and make decisions.
Any religion or culture in the world does not allow you to disrespect your parents for the completion of your desire. It would be best not to lose your patience when you have conflicts with your parents. You will not like it if your parents reject something you like, but try to make them agree with your decision calmly. Explain to them all the details of why you want anything and why it will benefit you. With all these efforts, you must recite our dua.
Allah (SWT) will help you and make things easy. In Islam, you can recite a dua to change your parents’ minds.
The procedure for reciting Dua is mentioned below
- First, you should pray five times daily because you can do this after Salah.
- After every Salah, recite “Innallaha yusmiu mayashaa” as much as possible.
Before reciting the Dua mentioned above, recite Durood Shareef at the start and end. After completing this dua, pray to Allah (SWT) for his help in changing your parents’ minds. In Sha Allah, after a few days of reciting this dua, you will see the result in your favor.
So, brothers and sisters, in this article, I have provided you with complete information about dua to change someone’s mind and heart, inshallah yusmiu Natasha hu meaning in English and inshallah yusmiu Natasha hu meaning in Hindi. I hope you like this article, so share it with others.