Updated: February 22, 2025 by admin
Jalali Wazifa for Hajat is the most powerful wazifa for solving love-related, financial, and family issues, achieving success in exams, and, most importantly, achieving success in life. Everyone wants to solve their problems, and almost everyone has problems in life. If there is any problem, there are also solutions to those problems, and we only have to search for those solutions.
Hajat means to solve problems permanently; the exact meaning of hajat is to achieve that thing, which is your ambition. If you want to love marriage or want to solve a court case, then powerful wazifa for hajat is that wazifa that will help you solve all your problems permanently in your life. If you are looking for a powerful Dua for any Hajat or a powerful wazifa for any wish, then you have come to the right article.

Because here in this post, we will provide you with wazifa for hajat in 3 Days and ask if you will perform that wazifa correctly. Then, after a few days or at night, you can solve all types of problems. And if you have any wishes, you can achieve them as fast as possible. So, stay here and read the complete post or article in detail to know everything.
Table of Contents
Strong Wazifa for Hajat on Friday
A human does everything to succeed in life; he or she does lots of hard work to achieve what he or she wants. But sometimes, we don’t achieve what we seek, and we see many hurdles and obstacles in our path. We face many problems on that path, and sometimes, we also blame our destiny.
You know, brothers and sisters, that the Almighty Allah has already written our destiny, but sometimes we change it with the help of dua, wazifa, taweez, etc. So, if you want to change your destiny, then take help from the biggest wazifa for hajat, the most powerful dua for hajat, as well as Molvi Sahab and Mufti Sahab. In Sha Allah, with the help of the almighty Allah, our Molvi Sahab will help you.
Wazifa for Hajat in 1 Day in English
Have you ever talked with the almighty Allah like he is seeing you and standing in front of you? We think no because we human beings are always busy with our work. And we don’t have that time to please our Almighty Allah by offering Salah, doing good things, or speaking nicely with the younger and elder.
So, if you offer prayer in time, almighty Allah will help you and solve all your problems. If you are not achieving anything and facing any issue, whether a hard issue or a small one, then, as soon as possible, the almighty Allah will bless you and provide you with everything in this world and in Akhirah. Perform the below wazifa for hajat after Fajr using the steps or points below.
The procedure for Wazifa is:
You have to perform that wazifa for hajat in one night, step by step. All those steps are shown below:
- Do wazu and wear clean clothes.
- You have to perform this wazifa after offering Fajr Salaah with a clean heart, mind, clothes, etc.
- Chant bismillahirrahmanirrahim 2100 times; after that, recite Surah Kousar 129 times.
- After that, again chant Ya Aleemuu 300 times and recite Surah Yaseen wazifa for hajat in one day, and then make a dua along with your wish.
- If you perform this, you will hear good news after a few days, and inshallah, the almighty Allah will help you.
Wazifa for hajat in 1 night
One powerful wazifa for hajat is:
“Ya Lateefu Ya Wadudu Ya Razzaqu Ya Fattahu”
It is recommended to recite this friday wazifa for hajat 100 times after the Isha prayer and make your hajat or need to be known to Allah. It is important to remember that while making dua or wazifa, one should have faith and trust in Allah’s plan and timing. Also, it is advised to perform this wazifa along with other good deeds and regular prayers.
If you think you are not benefiting from the above wazifa for hajat in one night, you must contact our Molvi Sahab. With his help, you will also get fast results.
Best wazifa for hajat
One of the most powerful hajat ka wazifa is “Salat al-Hajat,” a voluntary prayer performed when one needs Allah’s help and guidance. Here is the procedure for performing Salat al-Hajat:
- Perform ablution (wudu).
- Perform two rakats of nafl (voluntary) prayer.
- After the salam, recite the following dua: “Allahumma inni as’aluka wa atawajjahu ilaika bismi nabiyyika Muhammadin sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, ya dhal-jalali wal-ikram, ya hayyu ya qayyum, bi-rahmatika astaghithu.”
- After the dua, make your specific request (hajat) to Allah.
Translation: “O Allah, I ask of You, and I turn my face towards You by the name of Your Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), O Possessor of Majesty and Honor, O Ever-Living, O Self-Subsisting, I seek Your help through Your mercy.”
It is best to say this wazifa with sincerity and concentration and repeat it as many times as necessary until your hajat is met. It is also important to remember that while wazifas can be helpful, one should take practical steps to fulfill one’s needs and desires and trust Allah’s wisdom and plan.
What is the best wazifa for hajat?
Here is one of the best wazifa for hajat that one can recite:
- First, perform ablution (wudu) and find a quiet and clean place to recite the wazifa.
- Begin by reciting Durood-e-Ibrahimi (Salawat) 11 times.
- Recite “La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minaz Zalimin” 100 times.
- After completing the recitation, make dua for your hajat with complete sincerity and humility.
- Finally, recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi (Salawat) 11 times again.
It is recommended to recite this one day wazifa for hajat after performing the Fajr (morning) or Isha (night) prayers regularly until your hajat is fulfilled. Additionally, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and trust in Allah’s mercy and power while reciting the wazifa.
In addition to reciting this wazifa, one should take practical steps towards fulfilling their hajat, such as seeking help from trustworthy sources, putting in the effort, and being patient. Remember that Allah (SWT) is the ultimate source of help and guidance; through sincere prayer and effort, one can fulfill one’s hajat with His grace.
Please give me a permission to do this dua
I want to do this wazifa I lost 384000 plz help me plz give me permission
Yes you can perform this wazifa now and if you are facing any help, then speak it to our Maulvi Sahab.
Yes you have
Bull shit of fooling people. Just offer Salah and stop lying immediately and don’t betray anyone now on in life. Start dua after each Salah and Allah must listen inshaallah.
Who told you this? There are so many prayers the Almighty Allah has told us and hajat prayer is one of them.
Pplease give me permission for this wazifa
Yes you can
i want permission to do this dua
i want permission to do this dua
Yes go ahead
Pls i need ur help I have tried to contact u through whats app but i couldn’t so pls send me some contact no I need ur help
call him
How can I contact with molvi shab
Call or via whatsapp
i need to contact plzz tell me how can i
Yes Tell me
Lots of financial and personal problems.need permission to perform wazifa
Yes you can perform it
i want permission to do this dua
Go and do it
need permission to perform wazifa
Yes Go ahead
Give me permission to do this
Kindly give permission
Contact our Mufti Sahab