100% Working and Powerful Dua to Get what you want

Updated: March 4, 2025 by admin

Dua to get what you want: Assalamualaikum, our brothers and sisters. Are you dreaming of something, and do you aim to have it in your life? If yes, then, our brothers and sisters, you are in the right place because here, you will find it.

After reading this article, you will not find that thing, but if you perform such a procedure, you’ll find it. In this article, we’ll provide you with the 100% working and powerful dua to get what you want in seconds. So, brothers and sisters, if you are dreaming of anything and you want that thing, then recite this powerful dua.

After reading the complete article, you will know that dua. You also need to perform the procedure for reciting this dua. We have already shown the step-by-step procedure below. We have also used this dua to make someone do what you want from the holy book of the Quran.

It has been proven that the words written in the holy book, the Quran, have much power. Not only that, but every word written in the holy book of the Quran also has much more power. Here, we also guarantee that you will benefit from the Almighty Allah if you recite this dua to get whatever you want in your Salah or after the Salah.

Dua to get what you want
powerful dua to get what you want immediately

The most powerful dua to get what you want in your life

Everyone has their own or different aims or dreams in life; some dream of a normal and happy life. The other one is dreaming of a successful life, and there are various aims. Someone wants to score good marks. Someone wants to become a doctor or engineer and achieve something different, which is awesome.

So, our brothers and sisters, if you want to achieve something, then, in Sha Allah, you will get such a thing in your life with the help of the Almighty Allah SWT. Stay here if you want to know that this is 100% working and the most powerful dua to get anything in seconds.

If you want to earn more money in a halal way, you can also perform a powerful wazifa for rizq halal. This wazifa will also help you earn money in a halal way. But if you want to increase your wealth and success, take help from wazifa for wealth and success. This will also help you generate huge wealth and success.

You can also get help from dua for Studying and getting success in exams if you want to get success in exams. We all know that we can achieve everything with the help of taweez and wazifa. So, try that wazifa and dua to make your dream come true and dua to get anything you want.

Most powerful dua to get anything in seconds

It is important to remember that in Islam, as in many religions, the power of prayer is not seen as a way to “get anything in seconds,” but rather as a way to connect with God, express gratitude, and ask for guidance and assistance. There is no specific, powerful dua to get what you want pdf or prayer that is considered “the most powerful” to get anything in seconds.

That being said, one of the most well-known and powerful dhikr to get what you want in Islam is the “Supplication of Yunus (AS),” which is:

“La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka, inni kuntu minaz-zalimin (There is no deity except You; You are far exalted and above any shortcomings. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers).” (Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:87)

It is believed that Prophet Yunus (AS) recited this dua while he was inside the whale’s belly, and it is a very potent dua. It is important to note that this dua should be recited with a sincere heart and understanding that, ultimately, the outcome is in God’s hands and His will.

Dua for desire fulfillment: Dua make something fast

Here’s the dua for desire fulfillment and the dua make something fast.

We will also tell you how to perform wazifa to make someone do what you want, along with the complete procedure and ways.

  • In the first step, you should be a five-time Namazi, meaning you must pray all five Namaz.
  • After that, recite this powerful dua to get what you want after completing Salah and while making the duas.
  • In that way, you have to beg for your dreams from the Almighty Allah and then recite them:
  • “Hasbiyaa Allahuu Laa ilahaa illaa Huwaa Alaihii Tawakaltuu Wahuwaa Rabull Arshii All Azeem.”
  • And then, in Sha Allah, the Almighty Allah will give you what you dream of.
  • Remember to recite this dua after every 5 Salah or Namaz, and don’t miss Namaz.
  • Otherwise, this procedure will not work. Put your trust in the Almighty Allah. You can also recite dua yunus.
  • Aameen!

What dua to read to get what you want?

In the holy book of the Quran, many duas are available. You have to find the right dua that will help you. But you can get help from our Molvi Ji if you can’t find any dua. He will help you find the right dua for you, and if you want to perform wazifa to get what you want, he can also perform that wazifa for you.

So, call or WhatsApp him now, and insha Allah, with the help of the almighty Allah, he will help you. If you have any problems and are looking for a solution, then our Molvi Ji will also help you solve those problems permanently. You can also visit Exoticbuz to get complete information about technology, apps, games, and various other Islamic things available there.


Q. What is the DUA for miracle?

Ans. Recite Surah Fatiha if you are looking for dua for getting what you want.

Final Words

So, brothers and sisters, in this article, we tell you about the powerful duas to get what you want. If you have any questions, then put them in the comment section. We will give you the answer as soon as possible. In Sha Allah. If you want to contact our Mufti Sahab, then contact him now.

2 thoughts on “100% Working and Powerful Dua to Get what you want”

  1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb, I have been struggling to get what I want for a long time, but after reading this blog post, I feel hopeful and determined to manifest my desires through dua. The dua shared in the post is simple and easy to recite, and I believe it will definitely help me achieve my goals. I will be starting my dua tonight, inshAllah, and I will keep you all posted on my progress. Thank you for sharing this powerful and effective dua!


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