Updated: March 19, 2025 by admin
Do you love someone, and now you want to create love in the heart of your beloved one? Here is a dua to make someone fall in love with you. It’s not easy to win over someone’s heart. You must exert yourself for it.
But if you don’t want to find your lover, you should try dua to make someone fall in love with you. After reciting this powerful dua, we are 100% sure you’ll find your lover. It will create love in your lover’s heart, and your lover will fall in love with you.
As we all know, love is the most beautiful feeling in the heart of every human being. If you love someone, then you act differently; you like to talk to everyone. You like to live happily with everyone, but the problem occurs when your love is one-sided.
At that time, everything starts changing, and you like to spend your time in an isolated place. But if you are that human being who wants to create a feeling of love in the heart of someone whom you love, then you are in the right place. This article will provide you with an Islamic dua for making love.

Dua for someone loves you back
If you love someone madly and truly but your lover doesn’t love you and loves someone else, then if this happens to you, you should get help from Dua so that someone will love you back. You can solve all the problems in your life related to your lover and other such things.
Your lover, whom you love so much, does not know this. Then, after reciting the most powerful dua to make someone love you back, you can solve all types of love problems and create love in the heart of your beloved one.
You can also take help from wazifa to create love in someone’s heart. But if you want to take help from the only dua for true love, then don’t worry; here in this article, we are going to provide you with that dua, and in Sha Allah, with the help of that dua, you will create the feeling of love in the hearts of your beloved ones.
Also, read Best Istikhara for Marriage for everyone.
Surah to make someone love you
If you want to know which surah is the best surah to make someone love you, then it’s Surah Rehman. So if you want to gain the love of your loved one and want your lover to fall in love, then, at that time, you have to recite Surah Rehman and then make a dua for your lover.
In the Surah, you have to recite it, which we will provide below. But before reciting the surah to make someone love you, you have to pray the entire Namaz or Salah. If you miss any Namaz prayers, this dua or sura for love will not work.
The dua, surah, and taweez for making someone love you are mentioned below: –
“Allahumma Aaaliff Baiynaa Qulubbinn
Waa Asslihh zaataa Baiyninn
Wahdeenaa Subulaa Assalaam
Waa Najjiinaa Minazzulumaatii illanoor.
Before performing this wazifa to make someone fall in love with you, you must consult our Molvi Ji. He will provide complete information about it, including how to recite this powerful dua and when. But if you need help from our Molvi Ji selflessly and can’t do anything, don’t worry; call him or message him on WhatsApp.
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