Updated: February 16, 2025 by admin
Dua for protection from evil eye: The “evil eye,” also known as “Nazar” in Arabic, is the belief that certain negative energy or harmful intentions from another person can harm an individual. This energy can cause physical, emotional, or even financial harm. Different forms of protection against the evil eye are practiced by many cultures and communities worldwide.
One of these forms is reciting a dua, or prayer, for protection. The evil eye is a powerful negative energy that is said to bring misfortune and harm to those it targets. Whether you believe in its power or not, many cultures consider it a real and dangerous force that can significantly impact one’s life.
You can try many traditional methods and rituals to protect yourself from the evil eye. From wearing protective amulets and talismans to reciting powerful prayers and chants, various tools can help you guard against the negative energy of the evil eye.
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What is a dua for protection from evil eye?

In many cultures and communities, the evil eye is considered a real and significant threat. According to some theories, looking at someone with ill intent can also release this negative energy. This is why shielding oneself from the evil eye is crucial, as it can help avert potential harm.
A person asks Allah to protect them from any negative energy or intentions that may come their way by reciting a dua for protection from the evil eye. This powerful dua from the Quran can provide comfort and security and help prevent harm.
How to get rid of evil eye

Many different powerful duas can be recited for protection from the evil eye, but one of the most commonly recited is the following:
“Allahumma inna naj’aluka fi nuri wajhika, wa naj’aluka fi karami wajhika, wa naj’aluka min sharri nafsika wa sharri ma yanzilu min al-sama”
This allahumma inna naj aluka dua can be translated as “Oh Allah, we seek refuge in Your light and Your mercy, and we seek refuge from the evil of our souls and the evil that descends from the sky.”
- It is recommended that one recite this evil eye dua three times in the morning and three times in the evening, as well as whenever one feels they need protection from the evil eye.
- It is also recommended that this dua be recited after performing wudu (ablution), which is believed to increase its effectiveness.
Dua against evil eye

In addition to reciting the dua for protection from the evil eye, other measures can be taken to help prevent harm from it. These include wearing amulets or talismans, using protective eye charms, and avoiding certain actions believed to attract the evil eye.
One such measure is wearing bluestones or beads, as blue is considered a protective color against the evil eye. Another measure is avoiding actions that can draw attention to oneself, such as bragging or showing off one’s accomplishments.
It is important to note that protection from the evil eye is not just limited to the physical world but can also extend to one’s financial, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is recommended to seek protection from the evil eye in all aspects of life, as harm from the evil eye can have far-reaching consequences.
Dua for Protection from Nazar

Nazar, also known as the evil eye, is a belief held in many cultures that negative energy or intentions from someone can cause harm to another person. This harm can manifest physically, financially, emotionally, or spiritually. As a result, seeking protection from the nazar is an important aspect of spiritual and personal well-being.
The dua for protection from nazar is a powerful tool for seeking refuge from the negative energy that can cause harm. This dua, or prayer, is typically recited multiple times daily and can be done with other protective measures, such as wearing amulets or talismans.
One popular dua to protect from nazar is:
Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min al-nari wa al-naza’iri wa al-zalami wa al-sharr-i fil ‘aqibati
This dua translates to: “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of the fire and the evil of the evil eye, the wickedness of the wicked, and the harm of the wicked in the end.”
- It is recommended to recite this dua multiple times daily, especially before sleeping, waking up, and leaving the house.
Dua for protection from evil eye and jealousy
The evil eye and jealousy can both be powerful forces that harm individuals. The evil eye refers to the belief that negative energy or intentions from someone can harm another person. On the other hand, jealousy is a complex emotion that can lead to harmful thoughts and actions toward others.
These negative energies can lead to various negative outcomes, including physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual harm. As a result, seeking protection from the evil eye and jealousy is an important aspect of spiritual and personal well-being.
One popular dua for protection from the evil eye and jealousy is
Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min sharri ma khalaqa (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of what You have created.)
You can recite this dua as a general protective measure when feeling jealous or threatened by the evil eye.
Ans. A dua, or prayer, asking for protection from the evil eye is believed to provide spiritual protection and keep negative energy away.
Ans. One of the most common duas for protection from the evil eye is “A’oodhu billaahi minash-shaytaanir-rajeem” which translates to “I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil.”
Ans. You can perform the allahumma inna naj aluka fi nuhurihim wazifa whenever you feel like you are being negatively affected or whenever you feel uncertain about the intentions of others. Some people also recite the dua regularly as a preventative measure.
Ans. Anyone can recite the dua for protection from the evil eye, regardless of their religious affiliation or background.
In conclusion, the dua for protection from the evil eye is a powerful Allahumma inna naj’aluka wazifa for seeking refuge from negative energies and harm. By understanding the meaning and using this dua, individuals can feel secure and comfortable, knowing they are protected from the evil eye.