Updated: February 19, 2025 by admin
Dua for breaking fast Salafi: If you are fasting, then this means that you are a good Muslim who is following Islam perfectly and would like to live an Islamic life. Fasting plays an important role in our lives; you know our bodies must do it quickly. If you are not fasting, then this means that your body is continuously going to work without any break.
And you have to give that break to your body, and we are saying this to you technically and scientifically. Those things that our Almighty Allah made us—all these things are so beneficial for us to live our lives. Fasting is also one of those things that you have to do quickly in your life. We have the best dua for breaking fast.

In Islam, there are five main arqans: Qalma, Namaz, Roza, Zakat, and Haj. Now you have seen that Roza, which means fast in English, is also the main Arqan. If you are doing a fast and you want to break the fast, then you have to recite the dua for breaking fast in Ramadan.
Table of Contents
Powerful Dua to Break Fasting
In the Quran, Allah tells us that fasting is very important for all human beings. As prayer is helpful, fasting is also beneficial. Scientists and doctors also tell every human being that fasting is the best thing in the Islamic religion.
No one in this world has died from fasting. There are also lots of human beings in Islam who think that if I fast, maybe I will die. These are the myths, but they don’t know that Allah has made Ramadan, and Huzoor Pak SAW also recommends we fast.
We have also written an article about Roza Rakhne Ki Dua – روزہ رکھنے کی نیت – रोजा रखने की दुआ. If you want to know that, then read that article briefly. We have explained everything in detail in that article, so read it correctly.
Also read Wazifa for Beauty of Face and Body.
Authentic dua for breaking fast
Here is the dua for breaking fast. You must receive this powerful dua before breakfasting after Magrib Namaz’s azaan.
“Allahumma Inni Lakaa Sumtuu Wabikaa Aamantuu Waa Alaikaa Tawakltuu Waa Aalaa Rizqikaa Aftartuu”
After that, with the help of the Almighty Allah, you will break your fast, and in Sha Allah, Allah will reward you for that. You will then perform or recite the dua for breaking fast dua in English.
Dua for fasting
Here is also a dua for breaking fast outside Ramadan (supplication) that is often recited during the month of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting:
“Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa ‘alayka tawakkaltu wa ‘ala rizq-ika aftarthu.”
Translation: “O Allah, I have fasted for You; I believe in You; I place my trust in You; and I break my fast with Your sustenance.”
This dua for breaking fast expresses one’s intention to fast for the sake of Allah and one’s belief in His provision and support. One should make this dua before breaking the fast each day during Ramadan.
Dua to break fast
In Islamic tradition, breaking the fast is done by reciting a dua for opening fast, or supplication. The dua for breaking the fast is:
“Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa ‘ala rizq-ika aftarthu.”
Translation: “O Allah! I fasted for you; I believe in you; I put my trust in you; and I broke my fast with Your sustenance.”
It is recommended that the fast be broken with dates and water, following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). However, if dates are unavailable, other food can be used to break the fast. It is important to break the fast with a light meal and to continue to eat and hydrate in moderation throughout the night.
It is important to note that this dua is recited specifically when breaking the fast during Ramadan. It is not recommended to recite this dua for break fasting outside of Ramadan or during any other time when not fasting.
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For any help, don’t hesitate to contact our Mufti Sahab immediately; in Sha Allah, he will help you.
Great post! I’m fasting this Ramadan and I’ve been looking for dua for breaking fast. Can you please share more dua for this occasion? It would be greatly appreciated! 🙂