Dua to Change Husband Heart

Updated: March 21, 2025 by admin

Dua to change husband’s heart: In our culture, women face many things just to make their marriage work. After marriage, the husband must respect his wife and make his parents respect her. Most husbands do not trust and understand their wives and give importance to their parents’ opinions over them.

At the start of a marriage, the wife should try to gain her husband’s trust through her love and support. She always tries to make her husband realize her importance. But, in most families, the husband’s behavior remains the same. As a wife, you should make a dua to change husband heart.

Generally, women do not have the option to tell their parents about the misbehavior they face after marriage. In that situation, the wife only has one option: to tolerate all the misbehavior and live with her husband for the sake of their marriage.

First, discuss with your husband the difficulties you are facing because of his misbehavior. Tell him about the rights Allah gave you as a wife and how his misbehavior can affect the future of both of you.

Dua to change husband heart
dua to change someone mind and heart

One option is to recite dua to melt someone’s heart. Reciting Quran-e-Pak gives peace to the hearts of its reciters, so you must recite Quran-e-Pak as much as you can and pray five times a day. Allah has 99 names, and one of those names can help you get away from this type of situation.

The procedure for making Dua change her husband’s heart is given below:

  • Make fresh wadu with clean water.
  • Wear clean clothes.
  • Offer the prayer of Isha.
  • After that, recite Durood-e-Salvat 11 times.
  • Recite “Ya Uffuv Vo” 111 times.
  • Again, recite Durood-e-Salvat 11 times without any breaks.
  • Blow it on the food you are going to serve your husband.
  • Do not skip a day, and ensure you are reciting it correctly.
  • Do this dua for husband to stop bad habits for 21 days, and in sha Allah, you will have a particular space in your husband’s heart.

Related: Know The Important Shohar Ka Farz Biwi Ke Liye in Islam.

Dua to change husband heart, mind

After marriage, every wife wants his husband to listen to her and value her opinion. Sometimes, making your husband agree to your requirements is easy, but sometimes it is very difficult. After some years of marriage, the husband starts to give value to his wife’s opinion, but in the beginning, it is very tough to make your husband believe you about things.

Initially, both partners should listen to each other’s problems calmly and try to solve them together. Someone also influences your husband, who stops giving you importance. If your husband doesn’t listen to you and you want to change your opinion about yourself or something you want, asking Dua to change his mind will surely help you in this situation, and you must ask for his guidance. In Quran-e-Pak, a surah named Al-Fatihah will solve your problem.

Surah Al-Fatihah, also called Umm al-Quran, is a matchless surah of the Holy Quran, and Muslims recite this surah in every prayer. Surah Al-Fatihah and dua e qunoot verses you can recite to change your husband’s mind about anything.

The procedure for reciting this Dua to change husband’s mind is as follows:

  • Wear neat and clean clothes.
  • Make ablution.
  • Recite Durood Shareef three times at the start.
  • Then recite the verse of Surah Fatihah, “Iyyaka Na Badu Wa Iyyaka Nas Taeen,” 108 times and recite the complete Surah 31 times for 14 days, which is mentioned below.

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen


Maaliki Yawmid-Deen

Iyyaaka na’budu wa lyyaaka nasta’een


Siraatal-lazeena an’amta ‘alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi ‘alaihim wa lad-daaalleen

  • Recite Durood Shareef, in the end, three times.

After the prayer at noon, you can perform this dua to change husband mind. In sha Allah, after a few days of performing this dua, you will get results. Make sure you do not skip a day during the performance of this good husband dua and perform it correctly.

Many partners complain that their partner does not give importance to her or him and always cheats. After marriage, it is wrong to cheat on your partner because it doesn’t give importance to her or him. No one wants a relationship without love and loyalty; surviving without these two basic elements is impossible. Every wife or husband wants a special place in his or her partner’s heart and wants his or her support in a tough situation.

The relationship between husband and wife is the first relationship Allah ever made on earth. In the eye of Allah, it is the best relationship, so it does not break due to small reasons or misunderstandings. If you want to create space in your partner’s heart or if you want to change your partner’s heart toward you, then make a small gesture to make him or her realize the importance he or she has in your life.

Allah (SWT) created dua to change a husband’s mind and heart. He created the relationship between husband and wife so that both could fulfill their needs from each other. In the Quran-e-Pak, there are many Surahs and Duas that anyone can recite to change his or her partner’s heart toward him or her.

Below is the dua for change of heart you can recite to change your husband’s heart and mind toward you:

  • After the prayer, recite Durood Shareef three times.
  • Then, recite Durood Shareef three times and blow it into a glass of water.
  • Recite this Dua daily after any namaz; in sha Allah, you will see results in a few days.

Related: 100% Working and Powerful Dua to Get What You Want.

Best Dua to change a bad husband

In arranged marriages, mostly women or the families of women do not have an exact idea about the guy’s nature. Parents love their children a lot, and they always choose the best life partner for them.

They always investigate the guys as best they can, but sometimes, they choose the wrong guy for their girl. In our culture, in-laws expect that if their son has bad habits, he will change them after marriage because of his wife.

This is ridiculous because the guy’s parents haven’t done their job right; they expect some random stranger to come into their son’s life and make him a gentleman. Even in a love marriage, you will know about the bad habits of your man after marriage, and those habits are not under your control. When you find that your husband is not good, it is good to recite the best dua to change a bad husband.

When you learn about your husband’s bad habits, first talk to him about them and tell him to stop these intolerant things as soon as possible. Even after your discussion, if you see no change in his nature, talk to your in-laws and parents about it.

Maybe because of the pressure and guidance from everyone, he will stop doing all the nonsense and be a good husband for the sake of your marriage and yours. But if you think he will not change and don’t want to leave him, pray to Allah (SWT) to show him the right path. There is a dua in the Quran-e-Pak that you can recite to make your husband a better person for you.

The procedure for making this dua to change bad husband is mentioned below:

Allahumma Antasalamu, wa Mikasalamu , Tabarakta Ya zuljalali wal Ikram

  • Recite this dua after the Isha namaz and the namaz of Tahajud.
  • Recite Durood Shareef at the start, and at the end, pray to Allah (SWT) about all your worries.
  • You can also recite “Ya Lateefo” as much as possible after every namaz.
  • Also, recite ya zuljalal wal ikram for marriage.

Dua for husband’s bad behavior

In Islam, the following dua is often said to try to change a husband’s behavior:

“Allahumma inni as’aluka tawfeeqa li zaujii fi husni akhlaaq.”

Translation: “Oh Allah, I ask You for the success of my spouse in having good character.”

It is important to remember that duas are only one aspect of seeking change and relationship improvement. Communication, empathy, and understanding are also important in figuring out how to talk about and solve problems in a relationship.

Ya zuljalal wal ikram wazifa

“Ya Zuljalal Wal Ikram” is an Arabic phrase that means “O Possessor of Majesty and Generosity.” It is a way to address Allah and ask for His blessings and mercy.

Here is a strong wazifa that includes the phrase “Ya Zuljalal Wal Ikram”:

  1. Begin by performing ablution (wudu) and sitting in a quiet place with a clear mind.
  2. Recite “Ya Zuljalal Wal Ikram” 100 times.
  3. You can also chant this dua: “Oh Allah, melt the heart of the person I love.”
  4. After reciting, make dua (supplication) to Allah for your needs and desires. Ask Him to bless, protect, and guide you to the straight path.
  5. Continue this practice daily at a regular time and with sincerity and faith.

Remember that wazifa is a form of worship and should be done to seek Allah’s pleasure and blessings. May Allah accept our prayers and suggestions. Ameen.


Q. How do I melt my husbands heart?

Ans. We have given you the complete procedure, so perform it correctly.

If you are not getting benefits from the above wazifa, then call our Molvi Now.

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